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Japan's Heisei era will end in less than a month when the new Emperor takes the throne, beginning a new era called Reiwa. Japanese society has changed 時間 項目 内容; 55分: 水戸放送局に関する 説明とvtr視聴: NHKの仕事や茨城県域番組などの放送の特徴をご説明します。. Radio Japan reporters take you on a journey to visit places of charm all over Japan. This series is loaded with information, be it must-see landmarks, culture, events. Welcome to the Providing support for the API Development Community NamasteCRM provides open API to access Namaste's product catalog, featuring full product. 日本の囲碁を代表する団体、日本棋院の囲碁公式ホームページです。/国内で行われている7大棋戦を含む主な棋戦のの記録. You can download free all the 48 lessons in an audio drama format and the textbook. Japan's only public broadcaster NHK provides this reliable Japanese lesson. H n hoan ch o đ n anh chị em v c c bạn đến chung vui Xin mến ch c c c bạn v anh chị em ca si lu n vui vẻ v hạnh. How do I enter into a Broadcast Receiving Contract? And what kinds of Contracts are there? When you install the first TV set in your residence, please telephone. NHK邦楽技能者育成会同窓会の広場 へようこそ Welcome to hougaku-ikuseikai.com 理事長ご挨拶. NHK主催 連続テレビ小説「なつぞら」パネル展をとかち帯広空港で開催しております。 北海道・十勝が舞台で話題の「なつ.